I don’t blog anymore…

Apologies for my absence. I have been thinking of blogging and composing blog posts in my head and thinking of all you dear people in the blogosphere, yet I have neglected to put fingers to keyboard in this mode.

I am typing, though. Typing a novel. Working, reading, writing, revising. It’s consuming my life. I had a 318-page first draft last November. In January, I decided to start over with what I know now about my characters. Now I’m approaching 150 pages on the second draft, and I’m learning.

This is not my first experience writing a novel, and I’m learning that with each story I tell, be it through prose, poem, blog, essay, or otherwise, each story teaches me how to tell it.

I’m also working again on wellness writing, which I have missed these past months. This work fills my spirit and helps me work through the stress of my own life while facilitating for others. I have taught in a nursing home, in a university setting, in a prison, and last night had an introduction to a group I will be working with comprised of breast cancer survivors. At this meeting, I experienced laughter, tears, community, and breakthroughs as these beautiful women opened their hearts and filled mine.

So, I am working and learning and writing. I cut my hair (again). And I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

How are you?

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Writer, freelance editor, mother, artist...I wear a few other hats, as well, of course. :)

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