Running Initiation

Well, “it” finally happened. To me. Last week. And I have the bruise to prove it.

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I knew the weather was going to be “a good day for outdoor fitness” according to my phone’s weather app, so I got kiddos and husband out the door, laced up shoes, found a playlist, and inserted my fun earpods (gotta love Apple). I headed out, mapping my run via app & GPS, & was pretty happy with my results–especially since I haven’t been running too often lately.

The ground was a little slick, and I fought to maintain composure (and an overall upright stance) more than once. Still, all was going well as I concluded my run.

Then, as I began walking to cool down, I noticed something to my right. I lost focus on my steps…& then lost my footing…& balance…& scraped my hands against the pavement less than a second before my nose dove toward the grass.


My knee was bruised, my palm sore, and my breathing was a bit labored. I “sat” in that position for a few moments, stunned, and wondering what to do.

Then, I did something miraculous.

I got up from my place, retrieved a load of intention from someplace deep inside myself, and kept going.

My knee hurt, my palm stung, and the euphoria from the run had been shaken a bit from the fall.

Still, I felt this new completeness–this wholeness. I felt initiated.

Though I have completed a handful of 5Ks and a half-marathon, I felt more like a runner that day last week when I almost ate pavement.

Am I crazy? Maybe. 🙂

But I also felt amazing for facing the fear of falling and shoving it in my back pocket for a while.

I can do this became my mantra…& I’ve been saying it ever since. The principle is spilling over into all areas of my life. (I even scrubbed my kitchen yesterday…I know, crazy, right?) And I’m feeling pretty darn blessed in the process.


Exercise, Anyone?

Here are some exercise videos to lighten your quest for fitness:

P90X – Studio C

Don’t Be That Awkward Runner – Don’t be that guy

Worst Trainer Ever – Studio C

Now you can go and get your work out on–just not like these people!!!! 🙂

Happy Anniversary!…& a few random thoughts

So, I’ve been working on this blog for a year. This weekend, WordPress sent me a cute little Happy Anniversary notification (which I loved…it’s the little things, right?)

My mind has been scattered all over the place since my little walk/run early this morning. The air was cool, so I pulled a stocking cap down over my ears to discourage the frosty air from creeping into my personal space. I tucked my ear buds into their accustomed spaces–L and R, stretched, kissed goodbye, and was on my way. I found a new compilation album on my iPod that I purchased on a sale from iTunes several weeks ago, picked a familiar song, and lengthened my stride along the sidewalk stripe en route to a familiar walking path.

As I hummed along to the tune, echoing intimately in my tender ear drums, keeping breath and step in line with the beat of the music, I began to mourn over the content of the lyrics. The singer, certainly popular in our society, and young, and whose voice I have heard over and over through my children’s Spotify playlists, iPod favorites, and even on exercise/dance video games, sang a tune of so-called empowerment, while speaking words that rang falsely to my heart.

I puzzled through the remaining steps, up a hill, and leveled out as the song changed…and my app announced my time and distance stats over another familiar voice. This song, too, disturbed my soul. On and on, around the path, listening and skipping songs, I was somewhat upset by what I heard. I wondered–exhaustedly–if I could find something to uplift and inspire as I continued to walk through this experience. I got to another song, one with a catchy beat, and began to run, and run, and run.

Then I stopped.

The song couldn’t be talking about what I thought it was talking about (oral sex), could it?

I think maybe it was. And I was even more disturbed that children–even my own–had listened to it and invariably sang along with it from time to time.

Pressing the skip button once again, I found myself in the throws of another relationship break-up song (I had already heard at least two in my twenty-minute walk), where the singer said that he couldn’t control himself around his lover…that he was a victim of sorts…and that he didn’t have the strength or resolve to get himself out of a (potentially dangerous or self-deprecating) situation.

I finally skipped that one, too.

As I continued to skip more songs as I walked and ran, I decided with a renewed determination not to let the words slip by me again. These messages that I sing along with and share with my children can be destructive to their tender hearts.  I want them to be empowered through kindness, love, and socially responsible and upright behavior.

In closing, I am posting a link to this article, which cites some of the dangers of exposing our younger generations to porn. Though I have yet to finish reading it, the pages I have read thus far were enlightening as well as disturbing. What prompted this article was work on a documentary, part of the UK’s “Campaign for Real Sex” (part of which appears to be a call for better sex ed in the UK along with exposing the dangers of pornography). Here is the trailer for the documentary.

I post them as a voice of warning (and a conversation starter) if you find yourself in the company of children, teens, or even young adults.  I encourage you to talk to another generation about the dangers of porn and the power of music/lyrics.  If someone doesn’t talk to them, the loud voice of popular media–or even the detached version of communication found in social media–will teach them…and I’m not certain parents, societies, or future generations be happy with what they are taught.

I learned that difficult lesson on a short walk this morning.

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A Gift of Light

The feeling of overwhelm hit the same time I slid a tired finger across the snooze button of my alarm. The project my middle-schooler didn’t finish last night (because a. he waited till the last minute; & b. the batteries died on the camera he was using to video) needed to be not only filmed again but also downloaded and transferred onto a thumb drive…all within the next few minutes…along with breakfast, scriptures, prayer, and dressing all my little people to get out the door around the same time.

With the mission accomplished, I opened the door again to a quiet house and attempted to attack the sink filled with breakfast bowls and spoons (that hasn’t stayed consistently empty for at least the past week) when a feeling came over me to go for a run. I dismissed it as I shoveled silverware from one side of the sink to the other, rinsing the Rubbermaid container that held who knows what, and the feeling came again.

Go for a run now.

(I’ve learned not to discount feelings like that.)

I dropped the half-rinsed silverware into the sink and headed to my room to change into clothing appropriate for exercise. I prepped my iPod and ear buds, stretched, and I was on my way.

(Now, I haven’t been running regularly for quite a while. That’s probably an understated understatement….)

I warmed up walking, greeting a neighbor with her beautiful Golden Retriever, and headed to the path around the lake. I set my phone to track my distance and pace, and turned to the left (to avoid getting wet by the morning sprinklers). I rounded several corners as I made my way around the path that followed the not-so-oval-shaped lake. I felt all the feelings of relief, of time to think, of jamming to music that I haven’t heard in several weeks, and, seemingly suddenly, the path took me around to face east.

Guess what I saw?

One of the most beautiful sun-rising moments of my life. The sun was about half-way up its eastern path through the sky, and just a few clouds danced around the glowing sphere–enough to filter through multiple rays streaming down and kissing the surface of the lake.

(I didn’t take a picture, but this photo might give you a little bit of an idea of what I saw.)

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It looked like a piece of heaven.

I felt like I was in heaven, in that moment.

And, I knew that I wouldn’t have seen that exact scene in the sky if I had waited to load the dishes, if I had let my own agenda take over my life, if I had been to busy or too discouraged to look up toward the light.

But I did go run.

And I did look up, and I was given a gift.

A gift of light.

On the Road Again…

I used to run regularly–like to the point of training and “running” a half-marathon with my husband and a dear friend about two years ago.  I ran/walked pretty consistently until sometime last year.  Though I could never really say that I loved running, I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment that I could go the distance, the wind rushing through my hair, and the nice lines of muscle forming on my legs.

The other day, I hit the pavement again for the first time in quite a long time.

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I was thinking as I ran that running is really so much like life.  Here are a few insights:

  • you just have to keep going
  • slowing down to catch your breath sometimes is okay
  • other times you just need to push through the rough spots
  • after the uphill, a downhill is coming
  • it’s all good
  • you really CAN do it
  • sometimes the air is thin and you think you don’t have anything left…but YOU DO!!!!!!
  • people/music/self-talk that is positive and upbeat make all the difference
  • we need oxygen to function
  • keep your shoulders back and stand a little taller
  • BREATHE!!!!!

What are some lessons you have learned through running or exercising?  Do you find life lessons in all you do?

Hugs till next time! 🙂

Hit the Pavement!

So…last week I took a break from the wide world of exercise.  Prior to that week, I was getting in about 3 workouts/week (to help maintain muscle tone, lower stress levels, and keep up with the massive amounts of carbs I’ve been eating…and to claim all the happy heart benefits of exercising….).  Anyway, by Saturday, my stress level was…shall we say HIGH…and I was missing the fresh air and pavement under my feet.  So, I decided that I was–come what may–going to run.

I found my workout gear, running jacket, iPod headphones, and shoes.  I laced up both shoes, then sat for a moment to add some recently acquired music to my “a good run” playlist.  As I did, I felt something poking the inside of my right ankle.  I unlaced my shoes (have I mentioned that I abhor tying shoes and avoid this action whenever possible?) to investigate.  I pushed around my sock and flicked at the spot in my shoe until I was satisfied that the sharp object digging into my skin had exited.

I started a load of (long overdue) laundry.

I stretched.

I added a few more songs.

I took a sip of water.

Then, I popped the ear buds into my ears and searched for a song that would pump up my energy level and inspire me to keep moving muscles in a way I hadn’t done for…well, let’s just say it’s been awhile…. 🙂

Rob Bass started chanting in my ear (thank heavens my dear friend edited the song for me so I could listen to it in peace), and my feet were keeping up with the rhythm, pounding with the force of weekly frustrations and newfound strength.  I didn’t even care about keeping pace or running far; I just needed the boost of pavement beneath my feet and the spirit of the earth flowing around me.  I felt renewed, refreshed, and amazing.  The wind hit my face like a wall, but I kept moving.  A few more songs, and I was back home to lift, do push ups and abs.

The next morning, I got out of bed with shin splints.  Oops!  I guess I forgot to stretch those muscles!  Still, with every step I took, I was reminded of the rush of energy of my run and of the work I am doing to live healthy and to be strong.  The shin splints were practically a gift…and I was grateful for them.  🙂

What do you do to combat stress and to increase your personal health and strength?

P.S.  Did you know that Brooks (awesome running shoes) has a Wear Tester Program for their products?  You can fill out a profile, and you become eligible to try out their new gear for FREE…pretty sweet, eh?  🙂

Adrenaline GTS 13

The Product of NaNoWriMo 2012

As promised, I am recording for posterity (and my lovely blog readers) the lessons I have learned over the past weeks since I made a spontaneous decision to enter NaNoWriMo 2012.  (I was serious blogging about whether or not to do it…having done no outlining or anything…and just did it on a whim thanks to the encouragement of a few lovely voices!…& I thank you sincerely Marissa and Darcy!)  Here we go, in no particular order…:

  • Prayer works.  (Not that I didn’t know this prior to Nov. 1, 2012; it was just reaffirmed to me….)
  • Productivity produces energy.
  • Support from those you love is vital for success!
  • Goals can be accomplished…(and a lot more, too!).
  • I CAN WRITE!!!!!
  • Being purely creative is energizing.
  • My family, friends (& I) love me!
  • Even with road blocks (scheduling, sickness, holidays, etc.)~keep moving forward….! (See Meet the Robinsons for more info on this topic.)
  • God is aware of me and loves me!
  • I HAVE A VOICE (and an important one, at that)!
  • I can cultivate creativity…and a writing mood.
  • Breaks are important.  (I took every Sunday off…and a few other Thursdays sprinkled in the month, as well.)
  • When all else fails, have a dance party with the kiddos (…or with friends…or by yourself…)!
  • Have munchies around always.  (I had a Swiss Cake Roll emergency…luckily for me, I did have some left-over Double Stuf Oreos which satisfied the chocolate/creamy craving.)  🙂
  • Buy back your kids’ Halloween candy and use it for NaNoWriMo snacks…and to last until NaNoWriMo is over and you start making Christmas candy.
  • Spotify created great mood music when I needed it…and was a great resource for the karaoke scene I wrote.
  • You can always edit later.

In the past few days, I have listened to some of the songs on Alicia Keys’ new album–and the chorus and several lines of this song resonate with me.  I do feel like a “Brand New Me.”

The only time I recently felt this kind of growth and accomplishment is when I worked and trained for (& completed) a half-marathon with a dear friend of mine…something about measurable success.  Hopefully, though, I will write more novels than the number of races I’ve run…! 🙂


I Work Out…& Wear Hats?

Or, more appropriately, “The Many Hats I Wear While I Try to Work Out….” 🙂

I only say that because exercise has become a challenge lately, due mostly to my other responsibilities.  In fact, Monday night, we postponed dinner so I could put in twenty minutes with Jillian Michaels (“30 Day Shred”)…but then dinner and reading and family time ran late…and so did bedtime.  😦  Then, yesterday, I tried to have my ducks in a row (as in dinner was in the crock pot before lunchtime)–& then just roll through the evening–you know–dinner, homework, debate–but I just had to go run (right after dinner is great timing, isn’t it?).  I didn’t get out for too long, but at least it was something.  Still, I digress….

And, I don’t actually wear hats.  I do like them, and I have had occasion to try them (especially in high school and college, when I was a bit more daring with my style).  Somehow, though, I still feel like I am one of those people who can’t “pull off” certain looks (hats being among them).  I can wear them, and I think I look fine when I look in the mirror…but I feel kinda silly (okay, more like ridiculous) wearing them–like it’s a show and not really me.  Come to think of it, the times I wore hats in college were on days when I was too busy to shampoo my hair and the grease factor was so out of control that I felt I had to cover my hair and so would grab a baseball cap or whatever (before I discovered the joys of baby powder to help decrease that oh-so-greasy shine). 🙂

Anyway, I was thinking of all the figurative hats I wear…& the longer I live, the more hats I think I acquire.  Here are a few (I’m talking a little artistic license with these titles):  Woman, Daughter, Mother, Sister, Friend, Wife, Homemaker, Writer, Lover, Singer, Pianist, Artist, Painter, Dancer, Chef, Baker, House Manager, Vacuumer, Cleaner, Cook, Laundress, Nurse, Janitor, Replace-the-toilet-paper-on-the-toilet-paper-holder Girl, (what have I forgotten? Oh, yes…) Shower Scrubber, Floor Scrubber, Personal Trainer, Sweeper, Mopper, Dishwasher Filler (and Emptier), Buying Consultant, Fashion Consultant, Stocker, Inventory Specialist, Blogger, Runner, Exercising Woman, Facebooker, Tweeter (new to that one), Journaler, Reader, Poet, Homework Helper, Tutor, Librarian, Personal Assistant, Appointment Coordinator…just to name a few.

Do you share any of those hats with me?

(By the way, making that list helped me feel a bit more useful…and more productive than normal.)  🙂  Will you make your list?  I bet you have some fun hats you wear!!!! (BTW, I own none of these pictures.)

Happy Hat Wearing! (and don’t forget to work out today!!!!)